
About Us

Your culinary adventure grows with us

Welcome to the Australian Institute of Technical Chefs

Where the culinary career journey is supported and everyone is warmly invited to join our leadership network. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or culinary professional our inclusive community is here to make you feel right at home. 

At the heart of our institute is a genuine passion for the culinary world and the transformative power of culinary leaders. We’re not just chefs or educators; we’re culinary enthusiasts, and we’re thrilled to share our excitement with you. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure where your love for food meets the latest in culinary innovation.

Join our vibrant community of professional chefs, culinary innovators and embark on a journey of skill enhancement, inspiration and connection.


Our commitment to education is clear and unwavering. We’re here to elevate your culinary
expertise through clear and concise guidance. 

Our courses are not just about learning; they’re
about acquiring skills that will shape your culinary career.

Join us as we unlock the secrets of the kitchen and empower you with knowledge that goes beyond the basics.


At the Australian Institute of TechnicalChefs, we believe in a culinary world that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusivity, and values every chef’s unique journey. 

Our mission is to elevate the standards of professional cookery in Australia while creating a welcoming community that thrives on shared values and a passion for the art of cooking.

The Australian Institute of Technical Chefs is more than an institution; it’s a source of inspiration and empowerment.

Discover new dimensions in the culinary leadership and realise your full potential as a technical chef.

We believe in your ability to create extraordinary culinary experiences, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.


Trust is the foundation of our relationship with our members and sponsors. We deliver on our 
promise of being a culinary voice supporting our chefs and the industry with honesty and
integrity. No hype, no exaggerated claims – just a reputation for excellence that speaks for itself.

Your culinary journey is in trustworthy hands.


Senior Vice President & Qld Representative
Jeffrey Gear

Past President & Communications Director

Suresh Vaidyanathan

Secretary & Public Officer
Robert Ford

Anthony Hoy

GM Education Liaison
John McFadden

NSW representative
Lindsay O’Grady

ACT representative
Athol Wark

SA representative
Ben Rogers

NT Representative
Yakob Abraham

Support for AITC Scholarship
Graeme Chalmers

Best of the Best support
Abhishek Roy

Best of the Best & scholarship coordinator
George Hill

Where Culinary Excellence Meets Inclusivity!

We are not just an institute; we are a movement, a shared journey towards culinary excellence.

Learn about the dedicated individuals who form our council and the roles they play in steering AITC towards success.


 Stories have the power to connect us, and at the Australian Institute of Technical Chefs, we
believe in the power of transformative story’s. Hear real-life examples of how our institute has
made a difference in people’s culinary careers. Your story is a part of our story, and together,
we’re shaping the future of culinary innovation.

Embrace the unique flavours of Australia with us. Our voice is uniquely Australian, filled with
idioms, cultural references, and a touch of Aussie humour. Let our Australian identity shine
through as we offer a global appeal to culinary enthusiasts worldwide. 



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Chef Jeffrey Gear story is an incredibly inspiring industry career journey.
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Join the conversation!

We are a Chef’s Institution dedicated to building a culinary community that is both professional and welcoming, where all chefs can thrive and reach their full potential. 

We champion and encourage meaningful discourse on the topic of industry professionalism.


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